Huy Dang.

TalofaPASS (contributor)GuruAcademy - Online teaching system like Udemy (In progess) (NextJs + Redux + Thunk + Nodejs + Mongoose)Blog - FE (NextJs + Typescript + NextAuth + TailwindCSS + Recoil + Sanity studio)Blog - BE (Not public)Quote generator (React)Basic dynamic timer (React)Infinite scroll (React + Unflash API)Stream lab (React + WebRTC) (uncomplete)Story teller (React + Voicerss API)Advanced TodoList - (Random account to login) (React)Theme selector (NextJs)Motion - Animation (NextJs)Mobile Shop - Full flow (Web app + Web admin) (.NET + C# WebForm)Olive Fashion Shop - Full flow (Web app + Web admin) (.NET + C# WebForm)